We have come to our 7th and final day of the Resistance Character Quest. For our final day, we are welcoming Gabe to the blog!
Gabe's Bio: Vanquisher in Homer’s clan, Gabe is a compassionate, giving leader, but sometimes brooding and introspective. While leadership is a natural role for him, he sometimes longs to be the one who is taken care of.
Welcome, Gabe. Glad to have you here to SUBDUE our snooping minds! Let's get down to the nitty gritty of it all...
What’s your favorite book?
1984 by George Orwell. My favorite short story is “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut. Funny, I was always drawn to dystopian stories in high school, and now look where I’m at.
What worries you most these days?
Never getting rid of the reapers, never getting back to normal, never getting back home. But mostly, losing those I care about.
What do you like most about Clara? Least?
What I like most? Her smile, her honesty, her eyes. The way she bites her lip when she’s thinking about something.
Least? When she closes herself off to me. I can’t help her when she pushes me away. Sometimes, I wish I was a Tracer like Homer so I could just talk to her directly mind-to-mind. I wonder if she could block me out then. Hmmm…that’s something I’ll have to ask Homer.
In your Setti clan, who is the most difficult to live with and why?
Well, no one is really difficult, but Ben snores really loud sometimes. Honestly, I’m probably the most difficult because I tend to always think I’m right about things. (Of course, that’s because I usually am.)
What’s a quote that would represent your life right now?
“Faithless is he who says farewell when the road darkens.” J.R.R. Tolkien
Thanks so much for stopping by and chatting with us today, Gabe. It's been great having you here!
If you would like to purchase a copy of Resistance, click on one of the following links: Amazon, Barnes and Noble
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the author, Stephanie Judice, for allowing us to delve deeper into the minds of her characters. It has been a wonderful experience getting to know them. We cannot wait to learn more and more about them throughout this series!
If you'd like to add Stephanie's Books to your Goodreads list, click on the links below:
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Stephanie's Blog
If you would like to purchase a copy of Resistance, click on one of the following links: Amazon, Barnes and Noble
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the author, Stephanie Judice, for allowing us to delve deeper into the minds of her characters. It has been a wonderful experience getting to know them. We cannot wait to learn more and more about them throughout this series!
If you'd like to add Stephanie's Books to your Goodreads list, click on the links below:
If you'd like to stalk Stephanie, click on the links below:
Stephanie on Goodreads
Stephanie Judice's Fan Site on Goodreads
Stephanie on Twitter
Saga of the Setti on Facebook
Stephanie's Blog
1. Brooke DelVecchio The Cover Contessa: http://thecovercontessa.blogspot.com/
2. Rebekah Campbell Reflections of a Bookworm: http://reflectivebookworm.blogspot.com/
3. Amanda Cowley Blog: http://amandaleighcowley.blogspot.com/
5. Bethany/YA Vixens: http://yavixens.blogspot.com
7. Soma/ Insomnia of Books Blog: http://insomnia-of-books.blogspot.com/
10. Stephanie Judice/ A Writer’s Rest Stop: http://stephaniejudice.blogspot.com/
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